The Kingdom Kulture Blog

We are your Personal Growth & Leadership Specialist! We understand the challenge of being successful in this culture. Success without compromising your values and beliefs is becoming more challenging. We are here to encourage Faith-Driven Entrepreneurs and Leaders to fulfill their purpose.

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Keep Your Battery Fresh

battery energy recharge refresh self-care Dec 21, 2023


Keep Your Battery Fresh


Matt. 11:28-30 says, "Come unto Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”


Not long ago I was awakened at 4:20 in the morning.


There was this annoying little “chirp" that was occurring about every 30 seconds. 


Now I had heard this sound in my house before, but I couldn’t immediately recognize it.  Probably because it was so early in the morning.


And then it hit me. It was the warning system in the fire/smoke detector alerting us that the battery was low and that it needed to be recharged or replaced.


The chirp was simply a warning that the energy level was low, and that the detector couldn’t do what it was created to do.


Then the thought came to me that sometimes God sends "chirps" into our lives to let us know that it’s time to "recharge" our battery.


It can be different things:

  • It could be a sickness that forces us to slow down and get some rest.
  • Or maybe a stressed relationship that causes us to reconsider what’s most important to us.
  • Or maybe a financial hardship to help us remain grateful for all that we have.


Maybe you are facing a problem at work that you just can’t figure out and you’re simply too tired or worn out to properly address it.


It may be time to just slow down and recharge your battery.  


To get a new and fresh perspective on things.


The best thing to do to stop these "chirps" in your life is simply go to God.  Go to His Word.  He has provided us with all that we need.  Let Him give you clarity, peace, direction, and a new sense of energy.


When you do this, you will be a Kingdom Factor. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!