The Kingdom Kulture Blog

We are your Personal Growth & Leadership Specialist! We understand the challenge of being successful in this culture. Success without compromising your values and beliefs is becoming more challenging. We are here to encourage Faith-Driven Entrepreneurs and Leaders to fulfill their purpose.

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I wish you great health and prosperity! Many have given the word prosperity a bad connotation. It actually means the state of being prosperous and in the Bible that meant with God's Blessing! Prosperity is more than money and resources. It is your health, relationships, wealth and authority! 

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Experiences Educate and Create Memories

Jul 03, 2023

I believe education is everything. D.R.E.A.M.S. Consulting provides speaking, consulting, training, and coaching services. However, at its core, we are an education company, an institution for growth and leadership. Education is more than formal education. It's conversations, sharing meals, meetings, and vacations. 


You can learn as much from these interactions, if not more, than from formal education. Early in my career, I talked with an attorney about Christmas gifts. She had a different background and life than I did. I’m always interested in what others know, do, and think. She shared that she and her husband don’t buy their kids gifts for Christmas. Instead, they take them on trips and vacations. She explained that they wouldn’t remember these toys from year to year when they’re older but would remember the trips. 


I remember thinking we would implement some of that within our family when possible. Our kids still get a few things for Christmas, but we have taken at least one family trip a year. It may be spring, summer, or fall, but the memories are precious. I polled my kids some years ago and found what the attorney shared was true. They remember every trip, the details of the trip, and their favorite moments. 


We can easily get caught up in working, serving, and doing life, losing sight of these. We work hard, pay bills, and provide free Uber rides to our kids or grandkids. Those things matter, but the love you share through the memories you create permeates your family. Love is a noun but is most effective as a verb. Doing something intentional, sharing your undistracted attention, and having  fun are great ways to show love. 


Taking trips, even local day trips, create experiences that allow you to educate your family on culture, history, and life! The little things like preparation, planning, and even the playlist are lessons. Every interaction is a classroom, and every adventure is full of lessons. Your faith, perspective, and mindset are displayed in what you experience. Lead your family and yourself to do things outside your comfort zone or norm to boost your knowledge. I plan trips and adventures beyond what I would’ve imagined even ten years ago. This picture is from our July 4th trip to Yosemite. We never discussed it, but we were all so glad we experienced it. It was beautiful and awe-inspiring. We will never forget what we experienced; they will hopefully do these same adventures with their families. 


What can you be more intentional about experiencing with your family and friends to create more memories?


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