The Kingdom Kulture Blog

We are your Personal Growth & Leadership Specialist! We understand the challenge of being successful in this culture. Success without compromising your values and beliefs is becoming more challenging. We are here to encourage Faith-Driven Entrepreneurs and Leaders to fulfill their purpose.

THE Kingdom Kulture NEWSLETTER

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I wish you great health and prosperity! Many have given the word prosperity a bad connotation. It actually means the state of being prosperous and in the Bible that meant with God's Blessing! Prosperity is more than money and resources. It is your health, relationships, wealth and authority! 

You're safe with me. I'll never spam you or sell your contact info.

Messy Success over Perfect Mediocrity

action business energy focus goals high performance purpose success Mar 28, 2023

One of my new favorite quotes is from Brendon Burchard, "Messy Success over Perfect Mediocrity!" I'm not the only person who needs to hear that once a week! Isn't it amazing how much we get in our way? I want to empower you this week, it's almost Q2, and many are feeling down. Many people are concerned about the economy, violence, politics, health, and countless others. They are not where they thought they would be by now and are unsure if they're focused on the right things. This is the point where many revise their strategy to undershoot their goals. 

One key to success is consistent daily action! Not perfection but action. Examine your life and determine if you spend more time talking or doing. Dreaming or moving? Trying or making excuses? You are a sum of your thoughts and decisions! Life is filled with concerns and circumstances, but you only have control over a few. Focus your energy on positive action towards a better life and health and expressing your gifts. Even if you fall short, you and everything connected to you will improve as a consolation.

It’s time to think better and do better for a better life!

One myth of success is that failures and setbacks mean you're going in the wrong direction.  Your goals will require successes and failures! The highest levels involve some falls; that’s how you learn how to navigate the terrain. Be bold, courageous and willing to fall. One of my favorite lines in the Dark Knight series is when Bruce Wayne’s father asks, “And why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up!” Heat-seeking missiles find their target by course correcting until they reach their intended target. You're not sure how strong you are until you're tested, and testing ensures you are complete lacking nothing.

It may look easy when looking at my life, posts, blogs, videos, or information. Many influencers and leaders live a life of high performance that can minimize their trials. You'll find we have the same challenges, if not more intense. However, we develop a mindset, skills, and tools to pick ourselves up and press toward the mark. Am I perfect? No! Have I failed? Yes! Did I give up? No! Am I blessed and purpose-driven? Yes! I share my life openly with you and others, hoping that someone will become inspired and live out their wildest dreams. At least one person will trust God with everything and experience abundant life. 

You get to choose how your life goes; the minute you embrace that, you’ll become unstoppable! None of us can rewrite the past, but we can pen the future with intention.  

Have you ever written or recited an affirmation? I have several written down on my mirror and on my phone. Try this and see if it helps boost your confidence and productivity in the next 30 days. Write this affirmation on your favorite notebook, screensaver, or mirror: I AM Unstoppable!

For He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world! 1 John 4:4

Are you constantly feeling helpless, stuck, and unable to move forward?

Imagine 30 days from now; you could have the best clarity and live to your fullest potential. Soon I will open up a group coaching program where I will work with a limited amount of individuals to help them access their purpose and clarity to become unstoppable. This is your chance; take a chance on yourself. What do you have to lose?

Book your complimentary consultation to go from high hopes to high performance!