The Kingdom Kulture Blog

We are your Personal Growth & Leadership Specialist! We understand the challenge of being successful in this culture. Success without compromising your values and beliefs is becoming more challenging. We are here to encourage Faith-Driven Entrepreneurs and Leaders to fulfill their purpose.

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I wish you great health and prosperity! Many have given the word prosperity a bad connotation. It actually means the state of being prosperous and in the Bible that meant with God's Blessing! Prosperity is more than money and resources. It is your health, relationships, wealth and authority! 

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Single Most Important Step

Apr 21, 2023
The single most important step to success!!!
Sometimes we have an idea of what we want or where we want to go but no specific details. Then we feel less than for not achieving this abstract goal. Your brain is a goal-achieving machine, but it needs a target! We keep score in games to know who wins or a result has been achieved.
Before you put forth maximum effort and all of your energy, stop and ensure it's being directed at something precise.
What if it's not the banks, your family, friends, or the market are unsupportive of your dream? What if they're unsure of what your goal is? Would you board a plane that you weren't sure where it was going and they weren't sure either?
Let's get our destination mapped before we get others onboard this starship!
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